أخبار عاجلة


Visit the medina with its timeless charm. You enter through a dark doorway – the “Skifa Kahla”, topped by an imposing tower: it was once the entrance to a true forbidden citadel, strictly reserved for the court of the Fatimid Caliph. Today it is a souk, where they sell magnificent wedding garb embroidered with golden sequins. The narrow streets still keep an air of a certain nobility with their beautiful green doors framed with carved stone. Take a break under the fig trees in Cairo square. On either side, the sea is just a stone’s throw away: the medina stretches the length of a long peninsula. Go down to the charming marine cemetery, where the simple white tombs slope gently towards the sea. At their feet, a few boats glide across the surface of a pool cut into the rock: an ancient Punic port. Leaving the medina, you can stroll along the fishing harbour, one of the largest in Tunisia

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